ebollens [GitHub] / ebollens [LinkedIn] / @ericbollens [Twitter]
First we had desktop browsers
then we had mobile browsers
and now we have tablets and more
How do we deliver to every platform?
Native apps
iOS SDK, Android SDK, etc.
Mobile web apps
jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, MWF, etc.
Hybrid apps
PhoneGap, Appcelerator, etc.
Do we need a separate experience for mobile?
How do we tackle tablets and other devices?
How about a single site to handle all?
Website transforms to fit the user's
and capabilities
Pixel Density
Battery Life
And many more...
Flexible grid
Responsive media
Media queries
Difficult problems to solve
Existing frameworks, components, and libraries
solve these problems
25+ responsive grid systems
20+ responsive image solutions
20+ responsive navigation patterns
7+ responsive table solutions
5+ responsive frameworks
We don't need to start from scratch
We need to integrate
There's a ton of good work already out there...
Define a clear, standards-based set of semantics
Take advantage of existing tools where viable
Build additional functionality as needed
Responsive Design |
Support Libraries |
Rich Interfaces |
Download a WebBlocks release build
Compile WebBlocks from source
Additional methods coming soon
Online build tool
Hosted version
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title><!-- title --></title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/blocks.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/blocks.js"></script>
<!--[if lte IE 9]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/blocks-ie.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/blocks-ie.js"></script>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<!-- ... -->
Controls content area width and gutters
<div class="container">
<!-- contents -->
Most elements should be placed in a container
excluding navbars and other full-page elements
A row composed of panels
<div class="row">
<div class="panel-3"><!-- ~25% --></div>
<div class="panel-7"><!-- ~58.3% --></div>
<div class="panel-2"><!-- ~16.7% --></div>
<div class="row right">
<div class="panel-2"><!-- ~16.7% --></div>
<div class="panel-10"><!-- ~83.3% --></div>
panel-X between 1 and 12 with a % width ~ X/12
Use the right class on row for right-to-left
Always collapses in markup order
Rows may be nested
<div class="row">
<nav class="panel-3"><!-- left-side navigation --></nav>
<main class="panel-9"><!-- main content --></main>
<div class="row right">
<nav class="panel-3"><!-- right-side navigation --></nav>
<main class="panel-9"><!-- main content --></main>
<div class="row">
<main class="panel-9"><!-- main content --></main>
<aside class="panel-3"><!-- right-side support --></aside>
<div class="row">
<nav class="panel-3"><!-- left-side navigation --></nav>
<main class="panel-6"><!-- main content --></main>
<aside class="panel-3"><!-- right-side support --></aside>
<div class="row">
<nav class="panel-3"><!-- left-side navigation --></nav>
<div class="panel-9">
<div class="row right">
<nav class="panel-4"><!-- right-side navigation --></nav>
<main class="panel-8"><!-- main content --></main>
Seven breakpoints available
xxsmall | 360px | medium | 960px | |
xsmall | 480px | medium-large | 1024px | |
small | 640px | large | 1200px | |
medium-small | 768px |
Use Y-collapse on row for breakpoint Y
<div class="row medium-collapse">
<div class="panel-6"><!-- ~50% --></div>
<div class="panel-6"><!-- ~50% --></div>
<div class="row medium-collapse">
<div class="panel-6">
<div class="row small-collapse">
<div class="panel-6"><!-- item 1 --></div>
<div class="panel-6"><!-- item 2 --></div>
<div class="panel-6">
<div class="row small-collapse">
<div class="panel-6"><!-- item 3 --></div>
<div class="panel-6"><!-- item 4 --></div>
4 columns above medium breakpoint
2 rows of 2 columns between medium and small breakpoint
4 full-width items below small breakpoint
<section class="row medium-collapse">
<div class="panel-4">
<div class="row xsmall-collapse">
<div class="panel-4 text-center-xsmall hide-xxsmall">
<img src="img/articles/1.jpg" class="constrained">
<div class="panel-8">
<h1 class="text-center-xsmall"><!-- article title -->
<br><small><!-- tagline --></small></h1>
<p class="hide-medium-small"><!-- description --></p>
<p class="text-center-xsmall text-right-above-xsmall">
<a href="article/1"><!-- read more prompt --></a></p>
<!-- and two more... -->
<div class="cluster">
<div><!-- 1 --></div>
<div><!-- 2 --></div>
<div><!-- 3 --></div>
<div><!-- 4 --></div>
<div><!-- 5 --></div>
<div><!-- 6 --></div>
<div class="left cluster">
<div><!-- 1 --></div>
<div><!-- 2 --></div>
<div><!-- 3 --></div>
<div><!-- 4 --></div>
<div><!-- 5 --></div>
Branding colors
primary, secondary, tertiary, neutral
Mood colors
info, success, warning, error, danger, important, inverse, required, highlight
Variation modifiers
gradient, light, dark, emphasize, fade
Text colors
Prepend "text-" to a branding or mood color
<div class="primary gradient light text-tertiary">
<a href="path/to/link" class="button"><!-- button text --></a>
<input type="submit" href="path/to/link" class="button success">
<button class="button primary light"><!-- button text --></button>
<span class="badge warning"><!-- badge text --></span>
<span class="badge danger square"><!-- badge text --></span>
<span class="badge secondary round light gradient"><!-- badge text --></span>
<div class="message"><!-- message text --></div>
<div class="message primary"><!-- message text --></div>
<div class="message danger gradient emphasize"><!-- message text --></div>
<form action="to/action" method="post" class="form horizontal">
<div class="control">
<label for="input"><!-- label text --></label>
<input id="input">
<div class="control secondary">
<label for="text"><!-- label text --></label>
<textarea id="text" class="large" aria-describedby="text-desc"></textarea>
<p id="text-desc"><!-- help text --></p>
<div class="control">
<label id="checkset"><!-- label text --></label>
<div class="inline">
<label><input type="checkbox" aria-labelledby="checkset"> first</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" aria-labelledby="checkset"> second</label>
<div class="control"><input type="submit" class="button"></div>
<nav class="list">
<li><a>Item 1</a></li>
<li><a>Item 2</a></li>
<li><a>Item 3</a></li>
<nav class="list">
<h1>List Header</h1>
<li><a>Item 1</a></li>
<li><h2>Item 2</h2>
<li><a>Item 2 Sub 1</a></li>
<li><a>Item 2 Sub 2</a></li>
<ul class="divider">
<li><a>Item 2 Sub 3</a></li>
<li><a>Item 2 Sub 4</a></li>
<li><a>Item 3</a></li>
plus accordion and flyout effects
Bar collapsing to dropdown when it overflows
<nav class="bar">
<li><a>Item 1</a></li>
<li><a>Item 2</a></li>
<li><a>Item 3</a></li>
<nav class="bar primary">
<!-- list of menu items -->
<nav class="bar secondary light top">
<!-- list of menu items -->
<nav class="bar tertiary dark bottom">
<!-- list of menu items -->
<nav class="breadcrumb">
<li><a>Item 1</a></li>
<li><a>Item 2</a></li>
<li><a>Item 3</a></li>
<nav class="breadcrumb">
<li><a>Item 1</a> <span class="divider">/</span></li>
<li><a>Item 2</a> <span class="divider">/</span></li>
<li><a>Item 3</a> <span class="divider">/</span></li>
<table class="table scrollable-collapse">
<!-- ... -->
Also: bordered, striped, hover, condensed and caption support
<ul class="list unstyled horizontal">
<!-- ... -->
Also: numbered list types and outline list
<img src="example.png" class="constrained">
<blockquote class="blockquote">
<!-- Blockquote Text -->
<figure class="blockquote">
<!-- Blockquote Text -->
<!-- Blockquote Attribution -->
<button data-target="element">Trigger</button>
<div id="element" data-effect="toggle" data-toggle="hide">Target</div>
<div data-effect="accordion" data-accordion="slide">
<div data-target="element1">Trigger 1</div>
<div id="element1">Target 1</div>
<div data-target="element2">Trigger 2</div>
<div id="element2">Target 2</div>
<div data-target="element1">Trigger 1</div>
<div data-target="element2">Trigger 2</div>
<div data-effect="tabs">
<div id="element1">Target 1</div>
<div id="element2">Target 2</div>
<span data-picture data-alt="Example image">
<span data-src="small.jpg"></span>
<span data-src="small-hi.jpg" data-media="(min-resolution: 300dpi)"></span>
<span data-src="medium.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 321px)"></span>
<span data-src="medium-hi.jpg"
data-media="(min-width: 321px) and (min-resolution: 300dpi)"></span>
<span data-src="large.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 961px)"></span>
<span data-src="large-hi.jpg"
data-media="(min-width: 961px) and (min-resolution: 300dpi)"></span>
<noscript><img src="large.jpg" alt="Example image"></noscript>
<img src="small.jpg" srcset="small.jpg 320w,
small-hi.jpg 320w 2x,
medium.jpg 960w,
medium-hi.jpg 960w 2x,
large.jpg 1600w,
large-hi.jpg 1600w 2x">
Adaptive Images
Client Hints
dh=598, dw=384, dpr=2.0
Adaptive Images with Client Hints
Pick and choose among supported packages
Select modules of semantic elements
Add branding and other extensions
Configure build variables and settings
Add your own custom sources
And compile!
CSS is compiled with SASS, Compass and modular pipeline
Javascript and images are optimized and assembled
Once compiled, WebBlocks assets are static
No server-side logic needed
Just CSS, Javascript and images
When all this flexibility isn't needed...
Point your CSS and Javascript at a hosted version
or download and deploy directly in your app
And when it is...
Use the online build tools
or configure and run the compiler
or integrate it into an existing build process
Set colors, breakpoints and more through SASS variables
WebBlocks includes over 200 configurable variables
$color-branding-primary: #2288bb;
$color-branding-secondary: #ffb300;
$color-branding-tertiary: #8237ff;
$color-mood-info: #00a5e5;
$color-mood-success: #00ff87;
$color-mood-warning: #ffe800;
$color-mood-danger: #b73434;
$color-mood-error: #b73434;
$color-mood-required: #b73434;
$color-mood-important: #ff00a5;
$color-mood-highlight: #ff00a5;
$color-mood-error: #a00;
$color-mood-danger: #a00;
Package up variables and custom CSS
Good for branding and feature extending
WebBlocks.config[:src][:extensions] << 'ucla'
Extensions can be mixed and matched
WebBlocks.config[:src][:extensions] << 'ucla'
WebBlocks.config[:src][:extensions] << 'flat-ui'
WebBlocks.config[:src][:extensions] << 'ucla'
WebBlocks.config[:src][:extensions] << 'ucla-oit'
When extensions aren't enough, add app-specific sources
override SASS variables
add and override CSS definitions
add Javascript, images and other assets
And you can integrate the compiler into your build process
Switching frameworks can be an expensive ordeal
Adapters bind WebBlocks with another framework
Zero switching costs for supported frameworks
WebBlocks.config[:src][:adapter] = 'bootstrap'
An extensive framework means a large footprint
All semantic elements are broken down into modules
Define a build with only specific modules
WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] = []
WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] << 'base'
WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] << 'compatibility'
WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] << 'entity/button'
WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] << 'entity/form'
WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] << 'entity/message'
WebBlocks 1.0 released June 21, 2013
WebBlocks 1.1 released December 31, 2013
Download and build from sources:
Or pull a compiled version:
Tool for remotely building custom jobs
such as from the documentation's builder GUI
Available for download:
Plans to provide a build server service
Integration pattern
Theme with integrated WebBlocks build process
Configuration plugin that calls out to build server
Views / content types using WebBlocks semantics
First integrated theme in Drupal
Comprehensive connector for Plone in progress
Model can be applied to any app that follows this pattern
WebBlocks 1 has grown organically
WebBlocks 2 will build on lessons learned
Overhaul of modular architecture
Remove confusion between modular types
Reduce barriers to entry
Trend towards microframeworks
Simplify adding third-party packages
Explicit control rather than implicit convention
Substantial compiler performance improvements
Backwards compatible for end users
although some work for advanced users
Slated for Summer
https://github.com/ucla/WebBlocks (v1.x)
https://github.com/WebBlocks/WebBlocks (v2)
Live Support
Mailing List
ebollens [GitHub] / ebollens [LinkedIn] / @ericbollens [Twitter]