Building Apps

with Speed using MWF 1.3


What takes time in development?

  • Constructing out business logic
  • Building out data models
  • Designing a smooth user experience

What shouldn't take time with MWF?

  • Defining the user interface
  • Handling device compatibility issues

MWF 1.3 UI Elements

A number of elements from the outset

  • Header and Footer
  • Menu, Content and Button

But there were a couple obvious lapses

  • Forms
  • Messages

MWF 1.3 added APIs for both of these



<div class="message alert">Alert message</div>
<div class="message confirm">Confirm message</div>
<div class="message error">Error message</div>
<div class="message info">Info message</div>



<form action="#">
    <h2>Example Form</h2>
    <label>Label for Input</label>
    <input name="t-1" type="text">
    <label>Label for Checkbox Group</label>
    <div class="option">
        <label><input name="c-1" value="1" type="checkbox">One</label>
        <label><input name="c-2" value="2" type="checkbox">Two</label>
    <input value="Submit" class="primary" type="submit">



Shorter Entity Names

Why have classes like...

<div class="menu-full menu-padded menu-detailed">

New "lean CSS" style

<div class="menu detailed">

What about backwards compatibility?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css.php?lean">

MWF 1.3 APIs

  • Geolocation
  • Preferences
  • Customizable Home Screen
  • Unit Tests
  • Interactivity [under development]


An object-oriented approach to UI elements

$decorator = Site_Decorator::menu();
$decorator->set_title('Menu Title');
$decorator->add_item('Item 1', '#1');
$decorator->add_item('Item 2', '#2');
echo $decorator->render();
<div class="menu">
    <h1>Menu Title</h1>
        <li><a href="#1">Item 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#1">Item 2</a></li>

PHP Decorators

MWF Core includes a set of PHP decorators

  • Menu, Content, Button, Form, Header, Footer, etc.

But what about outside of MWF Core?

  • MWFD project for PHP decorators [under development]
  • JS decorators from the Ohmage project
  • Roll your own decorators for other languages

What's in a decorator?

A library to render a UI element

Object-oriented languages lend themselves to this

PHP decorators can be used as reference

$decorator = Site_Decorator::menu();
$decorator->set_title('Menu Title');
$decorator->add_item('Item 1', '#1');
$decorator->add_item('Item 2', '#2');
var menu = mwf.decorator.Menu('Menu Title');
menu.addMenuLinkItem('Item 1', '#1');
menu.addMenuLinkItem('Item 2', '#2');

Going further with decorators

A decorator may use multiple decorators

  • Most PHP decorators are tag composites
  • This could be extended to a page-level decorator

The line begins to blur... we're getting close to MVC views

Model-View-Controller (MVC)

Common paradigm in modern frameworks

  • Ruby on Rails, Django, Struts, .NET MVC, etc.

Clear separation of application logic:

  • Model manages the data layer
  • View encapsulates the user interface
  • Controller bridges the gap with business logic

Model-View-Controller (MVC)


Basic Menu View (PHP)

class Menu_Controller extends Application_Controller {
  public function main(){
    $view = new View('menu');
    $view->title = 'Menu Title';
    $view->items = Menu_Model::all();
<div class="menu">
  <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1>
    <?php foreach($items as $item){ ?>
    <li><a href="<?php echo $item->url ?>"><?php echo $item->name ?></a></li>
    <?php } ?>


Basic Menu View (Ruby)

class MenuController < ApplicationController
  def main
    @title = "Menu Title"
    @items = Menu.all
<div class="menu">
  <h1><%= @title %></h1>
    <% @items.each do |item| %>
    <li><a href="<%= item.url %>"><%= %></a></li>
    <% end %>

Advantages to MVC

First and foremost, good software engineering

For MWF, segregate views from business logic

Minimize effort to build mobile & desktop sites

  • Reuse controllers and models
  • Create different views for mobile & desktop
  • Possibly reuse elementary views for both contexts

Service-Oriented Architecture

Service Provider

  • Expose business logic through service interface

Service Consumer

  • Invokes services from the service provider

Service Definition

  • Contract between provider & consumers

Why SOA?

A number of benefits including:

  • Loose coupling
  • Abstraction
  • Reusability

Great for building multiple versions of an app

MWF with SOA

Business logic and data models in a service provider

MWF-based mobile application becomes a consumer

Allows for consumers in other media

A few considerations for MWF-based consumer:

  • Use server rendering
  • AJAX as progressive enhancement


AJAX Progressive Enhancement

<a href="example.php" class="button preload">Example</a>
            var page = $(this).attr('href');



Where do we go from here?

MWF removed the need to make device-specific apps

Design patterns for deploying mobile & desktop apps

... but isn't that still a bit too much work?

Responsive Design

Responsive design is the next frontier

  • Build once, view everywhere

But still some niches where MWF is needed

  • Differing mobile applicability
  • Supporting low-end devices


Any Questions?